Земельный участок
For building
Lot land, an area is Burgas, city Черноморец. Lot land is in a 500 m from a city, in a 450 m from a beach. From an area a magnificent marine panorama is opened, because long part of area of паралельно of marine line.
Land area:
3 000.00 м²
Земельный участок
For building
The land is located in a country side in immediate neighbourhood of Chernomorez village, Burgas Province.
The land is 150 m away from the beach and it is near to the main road Burgas – Sozopol.
In 400 m from the land there is electrycity and water.
Beautiful sea view.
Land area:
18 400.00 м²
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+359 (52) 608 808 - Болгария, Варна
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